Combat Command and Strategic Command. SAM 1. Surface-to-Air Missile. 2. Situation Awareness Mode. Scud NATO code name for a type of Russian-designed ballistic missile. shark killer Slang for a missile that misses its target and plunges into the water. Shrike AGM-45A anti-radiation missile. "show the flag" exercises Regional maneuvers that demonstrate U.S. military commitment to that area. Sidewinder Nickname for AIM-9 air-to-air missiles. six o'clock Directly behind, a fighter's most vulnerable area. Skunk Works Nickname for Advanced Development Co, a division of Lockheed started by famed aircraft designer Clarence "Kelly" Johnson. smart weapon An air-to-ground weapon that can lock onto a target and guide itself to the point of impact. Snakeye A high-drag version of the Mk82 bomb. sonic boom The shock wave created by breaking the